Oh don’t think we all aren’t in the same boat, girl! We get it, but it’s time to get real with ourselves! What if we told you the bodypart you’ve been hiding is actually the asset you should be accentuating? What if we told you that by not hiding that bodypart you would improve the way you see yourself in the mirror? What if what you’ve been hiding is right-on but HOW you are covering up isn’t the best way to do so? Stick with us as we cover the first step in our system…
To Thine Own Self be True…
~William Shakespeare
Are you unintentionally morphing yourself into a different body type? Are you covering up something or over-accentuating another to inadvertantly change the REAL you? What if you’ve been wearing those boxy shirts to cover your tummy, or you’ve been wearing turtlenecks to bring peoples attention to another part of your body when lo and behold you were doing yourself a DIS-service! Oh the HORROR once you realize that how you have been dressing is holding your back from your real self, your real self confidence! Would you think we were crazy?
And what if we told you that you are an HOURGLASS when you really believe you are a RECTANGLE or vice versa? you’ve been hiding an asset that you really should be accentuating to guess what? Make you feel amazing and better about yourself!?! Say WHAT? Improve your self-talk and self-image? Yes, palease!
Our goal is to help you learn how to create balance by dressing to an hourglass regardless of your actual shape! Make sure you check out the gimmestyle System @gimmestyle.com & subscribe to our mailing list on our homepage to get the latest and greatest information as it is published! Come hang with us and the gimmestyle girls to learn more!