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21 Ways to Look Your Best this Summer

Are you keeping hot this Summer? You may think summer is winding down but with this heat, you still have plenty of time to update your look! Check out our 21 ways to look your best as we inch toward the end of Summer!

1. Realize your silhouette – if you haven’t already, take the Body Shape & Style Quiz to find out which silhouette you best identify. This will not only point you to outfit styles that make you look and feel amazing and balanced but also will help you create and/or maintain your capsule wardrobe(s) to enhance your best looks for now and into the future!

gimmestyle girls
gimmestyle girls

2. Recognize your style – Click on your gimmestyle girl to read more about the silhouette you best identified with from the Body Shape & Style Quiz… check out the fashion style tips in the objectives, along with look preferences for that silhouette! This will help you pick the styles you like and feel most comfortable wearing AND help you decide on your new style identity!

3. Identify your fashion lifestyle – derived from what and how you spend the majority of your time. For example, your 9 to 5, aka your daily grind, aka your professional dress code… You get the picture! Once you’ve recognized how you spend most of your time during the week, you can determine how casual comfortable or professional chic your everyday essential basics need to be! This will bring you one step further to mastering your personal style.

Fashions fade, Style is eternal.” – Yves Saint Laurent

4. Create your daily uniform – based on your essential basic wardrobe pieces you wear every day! The fastest and easiest way we’ve found to create a daily uniform is by taking the information you’ve learned about yourself while you were realizing your silhouette, recognizing your style, and identifying your fashion lifestyle (see 1-3 above)…. this is when you have enough information to start adding to your existing capsule wardrobe or begin building your capsule wardrobe with items that meet all of your personal requirements for the current season. For more read our Capsule Craze blog!

5. Define your color pallet – What! WHY? Well, we think it’s best to know if your undertone is warm or cool. If you don’t know, and or haven’t already had an in-depth color analysis done, a quick way that we’ve found is to look at the color of the veins on your wrist. Blue Veins correspond to a cool undertone and Green Veins correspond to a warm undertone. But please consider yourself warned, this is not fool-proof and many people can fall into the neutral skin tone category! And to mix things up even more…if you color your hair and tan your skin…this quick easy method might not be for you. With all that said, we say just pick hues you like and make you feel radiant, look healthy and bring color to your face…

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6. Refine your closet and drawers – it’s time to start pulling your spring and summer clothes forward to try them on for fit and determine if they match your suggested silhouette and your new fashion style! No time like the present to review your existing wardrobe and remove items that no longer represent your style… and make room for those new items that DO! If you haven’t already, checkout our SUMMER TRENDS list to see what you already have in your closet and determine those new must add items!

7. Select your summer trend colors – based on your chosen color pallet hues and our SUMMER TRENDS list, choose the colors you’ll be wearing this upcoming season and add them to your wardrobe… we suggest you pick at least two colors! If you weren’t successful in defining your color pallet, the summer trend colors are WHAT & WHAT… that should help you discover your best hue, so you can move right or left of the hue spectrum for the Summer Trend Colors that are right for you.

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8. Pick your style icon – you read that right! Preferably a current celebrity or influencer that has your body type, is of similar age and that you like their style and clothes they wear. Selecting a more current celebrity just makes it a little easier, IMHO, since their data and photos are more readily available and easier to search on the internet. But this is just a suggestion…your style icon can be whomever you wish to emulate, or not, and could be an “easy tool” for styling ideas!

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9. Pre-style 3 outfits for the week – pretty self-explanatory, but in case you’re scratching your head with this one… this helps you stay aligned with your updated fashion lifestyle! Simply look at your schedule and choose three upcoming events and plan three outfits from head to toe… or in general, plan 3 outfits you want to ensure you wear in the week ahead regardless of event or schedule! Remember when we could travel, we planned our outfits for each day we were planned to be away… same concept! And for those meal planners out there, same thing! It actually saves time in the morning when you’ve planned your outfit as well! Who knew!?!

10. Brighten your smile with charcoal powder (Amazon)

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11. Get your summer glow going – pamper yourself, you deserve it! Brighten your skin with either a peel or at home scrub to remove the skin layer that’s dulling your skins appearance… and you’ll want to add this Jergens Natural Glow lotion to your daily moisturizing routine. Trust us! This lotion is an amazing way to keep your legs looking great so you can keep wearing those leg showing styles well into Fall. Oh, and you’ll be travel ready, if and when you have time to sneak off to a warmer destination. (Amazon)

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12. Buy a new summer lip color – did you know that just glossing up your lips with a little color can make you look younger? Yep! Grab a new gloss to say hello to Summer!

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13. Pick your go-to denim jacket, or what we call the LJJ, or little jean jacket – Make sure you have your LJJ, or two in different colors, to grab and go when you just aren’t sure about the cool evenings! These are great to layer with almost every spring and summer style! Shop LJJ’s

Distressed Medium Wash Denim Jacket

14. Update your summer shades if you feel you are ready for a change of frames or lenses. (Amazon)

15. Update your footwear – Just like with your clothes, it’s time to pull your spring/summer footwear forward and try them on for fit, comfort and style! Is it time to fill any gaps or simply time to invest in a pair that will carry you through the season and compliment your capsule wardrobe? We love our flip flops, how about you? (Amazon)

16. Add a hat that compliments your everyday style. Whether it’s running errands or covering from the elements, hats add that “little something extra” in our book!

17. Invest in a statement piece – a piece of jewelry or designer bag can make a big statement. It’s super fun to find a ring with a stone that matches one of your signature color hues. Check this one out (Amazon)

18. Create your own signature layered necklace look! For you (Amazon)

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19. Add a Blazer – choose one that compliments your silhouette and is made from a fabric and color that’s correct for the season. We also suggest selecting a blazer that you can throw over your daily uniform and can also be worn with leggings or jeans and goes well with several pairs of your stylish spring/summer footwear. Keep your eyes out for tons of options to choose from in our online boutique that will suit your silhouette.

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20. Choose an Oversized Tote that fits everything you need with a matching handbag – we love to pair a smaller handbag and a Tote to match what life brings and holds all of your essentials with versatility! The trick is to select a Tote that holds your daily needs and pairs well with your daily uniform. For some, their Tote might be sporting diapers, and for others a computer. Then use the smaller handbag for wallet items, keys, cell phone, lip color and cash…. this is a great way to be prepared for whatever your day throws at you… for a quick grab and go, or for a quick transition from work to a fun night out. (Amazon) &

21. And last but most definitely not least, check out our SUMMER TRENDS and identify the trends that you think are wearable for you. There are so many and the fast-paced fashion world is almost impossible to keep up with! So much so, we find ourselves asking…who wears this stuff!?!? So we’ve decided to take it a step further and not just post the list that all of the fashion designers and editors are chatting and scrambling for… but we’re showing you our editor picks we think you’d enjoy inviting into your closet for Spring into Summer. We’re confident you’ll find a bunch that match your personal style and silhouette.

… and you know we have WAY more to share! If you haven’t already, make sure you check out the gimmestyle System & subscribe to our mailing list on our homepage to get the latest and greatest information as it is published! Come hang with us and the gimmestyle girls to learn more!


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